Jenna Spikes her Way into the Spotlight

Jenna Phelps is 1 in 1,000


Jenna bumps the ball while warming up for her match.

With the squeak of the shoes on the court playing as the background track of her day, Blue Valley Southwest sophomore Jenna Phelps steps back behind the white line painted on the gym floor. With a quick bounce of the stitched white volleyball against the ground, she tosses the ball above her head and thwacks it over the net with unimaginable force. The ball smacks the ground across the court and cheers erupt from the bleachers.

Since the age of 10, Jenna has spent countless hours playing volleyball and practicing her skills. Those hours have certainly paid off.

She has attended nationals every year since the age of 12. With practices three days a week, she is constantly working on improving her skills as a volleyball player. She dedicates the majority of her time continuously practicing on her performance as a volleyball player.

Jenna is among the 7.6 million high school students who have participated in school sports this past year. She does not only excel in club volleyball, but also on the school volleyball team here at Southwest. She was the only person to make the varsity volleyball team as a freshman last year.

“There was added pressure being the youngest one with all these seniors,” Jenna said.

Even though she is extremely successful in both club and school volleyball, she understands the differences. With a broader spectrum of players to choose from, club volleyball is much more competitive than school volleyball.

For the Phelps family, volleyball is a way of life. With an older sister who also plays volleyball at Cornell University in New York, the Phelps family revolves around this sport but Jenna doesn’t mind.

“I wasn’t really compared to my sister because we are different positions,” Jenna said.

Whether it’s her club team or the school team, Jenna always makes those around her smile. She works hard to be a team player.

“She is kind of quiet but whenever she does talk it is hilarious,” junior teammate Molly Menefee said. “I love setting for her because I can always count on her to make a good hit.”

According to a U.S. department of health survey, high school students who participate in some form of interscholastic activity have “significantly higher” grade-point averages and better attendance.

With a 4.2 weighted GPA, Jenna certainly proves this statistic true.

Even with a large workload with volleyball and an even larger workload with academics, Jenna is involved in even more. She is involved with modeling.

Jenna began her modeling career in July. Currently, Jenna is enrolled in a modeling class through Hoffman International Model Agency where she can be signed to this agency within a year.

“I think it is so cool that Jenna is so involved with both modeling and volleyball,” sophomore and friend of jenna, Maddie Allen said. “She is really dedicated and I envy that.”

With papers upon papers on how to properly apply makeup, how to walk in heels and all sorts of other information on different parts of her job, she spends her free time doing something else she is passionate about. Modeling.

In the current class she is enrolled in, she is preparing herself for a long career ahead. This program does not only supply her with the knowledge to become a model but it also helps with self confidence and personal development.

She has already displayed her true talent in modeling at a show in October. Her and her other peers in the class showcased what they learned for their parents and friends that are supporting them in their modeling career.

“The show was a really cool experience,” Jenna said. “It was good to have a show under my belt.”

While working with instructors who have already completed the course, Jenna learns techniques and skills needed in the career.

Whether its the squeak of her shoes on the court or the click of her heels on the runway, Jenna takes pride in showcasing her talents in the activities she loves.

“I’m really glad I get to grow as a person with the people I have involved myself with whether it is with volleyball or modeling,” Jenna said. “The activities have really helped me grow as a person and taught me about work ethic and I’m really fortunate to be able to have these experiences.”