Experiencing Brio

Looking Into a whole new word for teen musicians

Experiencing Brio

High school girls in the metro area are coming together to change lives with song in the Kansas City and all around the world. Allegro con Brio is an all female choir that plays a lead role in the elite Allegro Choirs of Kansas City.

The girls sing with the Kansas City Symphony.

“Being in Brio has opened a world of opportunities for me,” freshman singer Tori Hurley said. “Not only have a learned a lot about music but the traveling and the performing experiences are something that can’t be found anywhere else.”

The Brio singers are generally all high school girls (with the exception of some eighth graders) who work extremely hard to put on the best performances the can from places like the Kauffman Center to The White House.

“The places we get to go and the people we get to meet through allegro are absolutely astonishing, there is nothing like it,” said Brio sophomore Anna Arends.

Although these girls might be in their teenage years, it is a goal of theirs to sound much older than their age and to get very I touch with their music.

“Memorizing all the songs and corrections made by our director is far from simple,” said Hannah Smith (Brio senior). “The artistry can be extremely hard to convey yet it’s so worth it to see how the music can touch people.”

Not only do these girls work for days to perfect pieces of music that will be sung all over the world, but they get to know each other better each rehearsal in order to work together cohesively.

“The girls come together to put their hearts and souls into music and make the world a better place,” said professional accompanist Geri Allcorn.

The girls in Brio both agree that “Family Time” is one of the best parts of rehearsal. Every now and again the singers split up into their assigned families and perform skits for the choir or even just talk about celebrity crushes.

“Family time is definitely my favorite part of Brio because we are all just so silly and love goofing off together,” said Tori.

Brio is the top level of the choirs in Allegro. All the girls in the highly respected group had to undergo a rigorous audition process and a music theory test to be able to make it into the choir. Some of the girls have been waiting for years to get into the selective group.

“When I found out I made Brio as a freshman I was ecstatic,” said Tori. “It is very fun but the workload is much heavier than the work put on us in moto (the choir level right before Brio).”

As the members of the choir feel it is hard to keep up with the commands of directors and fellow singers they can all agree it is worth it. These girls get to travel all around the country and the world to perform their songs. The goal in mind is to Change lives with song and that is not very easy. Even of  that task is immensely difficult, what an amazing concept.

“What we do might be one of the hardest things a kid our age could do,” said Hannah. “But in the end it’s brought us so close.” The bond between these girls cannot be broken.

“In the end we are one big happy family, Brio sisters,” said Tori.


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