How to Beat the Heat

How to Beat the Heat

In the last couple of weeks, there have been serious heat problems in this lovely state of Kansas. The heat index has been between 100 and 105 degrees with the temperatures between 97 and 64 degrees (plus or minus a few degrees). Along with these high temperatures, the humidity has been between 33 and 100 percent in the last week. This may be considered normal for Kansas, but with multiple heat advisories in the last two weeks, there might be a problem for people trying out for fall sports.

Since most practices are right after school, they are during the hottest part of the day. Last week multiple practices had to be moved back later in the day to avoid heat exhaustion, dehydration, or even worse, a heat stroke. These are three commonly known heat related diseases which can have a serious effect on the body.  They can be  caused by being overexposed to the sun and heat, over-exercised for their personal conditions or age or not drinking enough water.

Here are a few tips to prevent dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke:

  • drink plenty of fluid
  • eat foods high in water, such as fruits or vegetable
  • watch for any symptoms such as; fatigue, confusion, chills, incoordination, and lightheadedness
  • stop exercising and move to a cool area with water if you experience any of these symptoms

Please do not be afraid to tell your coach or adviser; they are there to help you and if you choose to not tell them, they can’t do so. All coaches understand that it is hot and you are working hard. Beat the heat, drink a lot of water, and know your limits; pushing yourself too hard can risk problems later in the season.