Living life in 140 characters


On average a person sends nearly 2,558 text messages a month. However we only make 17 phone calls. The preferred form of communication now is a fast type on a small device. Technology seems to be taking over our lives and face to face communication is dwindling.
“Technology impairs communication because of difficulties and management,” junior Corrine Rolfs said.
According to the Wall Street Journal’s study on technology in households, children receive their first cell phone by the age of eight and have access to the computer by the age of six.
“I volunteered at an elementary school and the kindergarderners knew more about technology and current trends then I knew when I was a freshmen,” senior Alex Peuser said. “It’s amazing to see how the times have changed.”
Currently, people have reported spending more time with their cell phones than with their significant other, USA Today reported in July of 2013.
“Everything’s done really quickly today,” senior Taylor Gonzalzes said. “My schedule’s so busy with soccer that it’s easier to just text my parents than take the time to call then.”
Life in 140 characters can have positive and negative side effects. Although communication by text is quicker, we are losing the personal aspect of communicating.
“It’s scary to think what technology will be like in a few years,” Peuser said. “Technology allows us to edit,delete and leave little room for error. But communicating isn’t about being perfect, it’s about showing who you are. Flaws and all.”