SMILE Club bringing the community closer


S.M.I.L.E. Club is an organization that volunteers in various fields in order to help the community as a whole. The Southwest SMILE club took time last Friday to work with special needs kids at Grace Church as a part of the SOAR program.

Smile Club is a perfect example of a way to get involved in the community and to make a difference in the lives of individuals.

I caught up with a member of SMILE Club so I could get a better idea of what it’s all about.

“I like that SMILE Club is relaxed.” Said senior Kara Katona. “It’s really inviting and it’s aneasy way for people to find about community service. I love helping people.”

Next Wednesday, SMILE Club plans to volunteer at the Hoedown at Aubry Bend Middle School.

Meetings are open to volunteers so if you are feeling up to helping out those around you – drop by and help bring a smile to people who need it.