Celebrating Each Day: students share their opinions on National Days

National Dress Up Your Pet Day (January 14th)

The dynamic between pet and owner has sparked a new opportunity to show a pet’s unique personality with costumes

National Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 4th)

This day is related to mental health and the idea that one small gesture can change a person’s day. Many choose to celebrate this day by opening doors for people, giving small gifts, compliments, and many other actions to show affection.

 National Napping Day (March 9th)

This day is after daylight savings time returns and is intended to help people catch up on the lack of sleep. 

National Superhero Day (April 4th)

This day was created by Marvel Employees in 1985. The day is celebrated with costumes, movie marothons, etc. However, the day is not only about fictional charecters, it is also meant to honor military personnel.

“I think (National Days) are just fun. I think it gives you a reason to celebrate each day. I know that they do not always pertain to everybody, so when they do pertain to you, it is an extra celebration of the day.”

— freshmanreagancannon

“Sometimes (National Days) are really dumb and nobody understands the point of them. But, it’s pretty nice to be like. ‘Its National Cupcake Day. Everybody gets a cupcake!’”

— sophomorelenadickerson

Star Wars Day (May 4th)

On this day, fans across the nation voice their apreciation for Star Wars. The saga began in 1977 and May the Forth has been celebrated since 2011.

National Go Barefoot Day (June 8th)

This day began in 2004 after a tsunami in Indonesia. It was created in efforts to encourage people to donate shoes and help those in need. 

National Ice Cream Day (July 19th)

National ice cream day was  founded by the President of Ben & Jerry’s in 1985.

National Roller Coaster Day (August 16th)

The first roller coaster was created by J.G. Taylor and the first ride was taken in 1884 at Coney Island. National Roller Coaster day was organized by enthusiasts and has been celebrated since 1986. On this day, many people travel to their local amusement park.

National Elephant Appreciation Day (September 22nd)

According to savetheelephants.org, elephants play a key role in maintaing the Savannah. This day was organized in efforts to spread awareness for elephant preservation. 

National Name Your Car Day (October 2nd)

This day is for give your car a name. Each car seems to have its own charecter and many people veiw this as an opportunity to choose a name that reflects it.

National Take a Hike Day (November 17th)

On this day, people pack up their trail mix and find a spot to hike. It encoarages people to go outside and enjoy the outdoors.

National Answer The Phone Like Buddy The Elf Day (December 18th)

The movie Elf came out in 2003. In the film, the main charecter answers the phone with, “Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?”

“My favorite day would be either national frog day or I believe that there is also a national vomit day.”

 ­ — seniorjacksonsalin

“I love celebrating National Ice Cream Day with my friends. I think it’s really fun to go get ice cream together.”

— juniorkennaplaster
