Focus on the Focus Program


Lots of laughs fill the art room with the Focus Program

The Focus Program, starting its day off with determination and ending with success, is a program made for students with disabilities. This program helps students reach their highest potential in an environment fit for them.

The teachers and paras, assistant helpers to the students, of the Focus program communicate with parents, monitor the students IEP’s ,Individualized Education Program, and keep a close lookout for any health issues.

The types of disabilities in the Focus Program vary for each student. However the disability they have never changes who they are as people.

The word “Focus” is not an acronym for anything, just a name given to the program by the Blue Valley district.

There are currently 20 students enrolled in the Focus Program at Blue Valley Southwest.

One of the students, Katie Hanson said her favorite part of the program is the art class and that art is what makes her happy. Katie loves school and all of her friends in the program.

”It is great to be able to celebrate the small things with them, things that we do that we take for granted.”Focus Teacher, Brooke Claypool, said.

The teachers and paras of the Focus Program put a lot of time into what they do and give all that they have to the students and their success.

”I enjoy having a relationship with the other students and being able to help them. I love watching my relationship with them grow” said current peer tutor, Tori Wilson.

Student, Katie Hansen, paints her current project she is working on in art class.

Tori’s job is to deliver mail to teachers with the students and work on team building activities.Tori recommends that if someone wants to be a peer tutor to do it because it is an amazing experience.

Students not in the Focus Program are not familiar with what it does, but a lot of students are friends with students in it.

“I am familiar with the program and know a few of the kids in it. I enjoy seeing them have fun with other choir students and interacting with people in the hallways.” said senior, Matara Hitchcock.

The students in the Focus Program are working hard at what they do everyday. The Focus Program is expanding and making it’s mark on Blue Valley Southwest.

“The students in the program are truly amazing and I am glad there is a place for them to reach their highest potential in school.” said senior, Matara Hitchcock.
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